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Double Chin Treatment


CALL (203) 323-5660

You CAN have an elegant profile. Fat melts away!

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kybella in stamford ct
kybella treatment in stamford ct
kybella treatment stamford ct





Have you had a double chin your whole life or did it appear more recently with age? Either way, it’s not like you can target chin fat with exercise. Perhaps the most frustrating thing is that even diet doesn’t make a dent. You may even be slender. How unfair is that?


If you’re fed up with the difficult fat beneath your chin, Kybella injections are just what you’ve been looking for. Unlike painful, pricey double chin surgery or liposuction, Kybella is the only nonsurgical, noninvasive way to effectively diminish double chin fat. Recovery is brief and occasionally, patients are able to return to normal activities with zero downtime.



double chin
double chin stamford ct
double chin in stamford ct

Why choose us?

Dr. Robin Evans has had extensive Kybella training and is fully approved to perform Kybella injections. She has more experience with this treatment than most because she was among the first to offer this advanced therapy. As a board certified dermatologist, dermatologic surgeon, and clinical instructor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, you can rest assured that Dr. Evans has the credentials and expertise to accurately assess anatomy and a patient’s medical background to deliver optimal results. Most importantly, Dr. Evans understands the emotional impact experienced both before and after Kybella treatment. We’ve witnessed so many success stories!





What is Kybella made of?

Kybella’s active ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid. In the body, this molecule occurs naturally assisting in the breakdown of dietary fat by causing fat cells to burst. The destroyed fat cells are then automatically metabolized. In short, Kybella is giving your body a boost with a function it already performs.


Is Kybella safe?
Kybella has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of submental fat—the fat beneath the chin—after successful clinical trials. It is the only treatment of its kind.


Am I good candidate for Kybella?

Kybella is ideal for people who are overweight. Basically, if you can pinch some fat beneath your chin, Kybella can help. Excess skin under the chin does not respond to Kybella and requires a different approach. Naturally, Dr. Evans must thoroughly investigate the medical history and current medications and treatments of each individual patient. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are not candidates for Kybella injections.


What to expect

After a local anesthetic is injected into the area, an adhesive grid is placed on the neck to guide needle placement. Then, the series of small injections are performed with very thin needles, which only takes about five minutes. Since this area is so vulnerable, a highly experienced dermatologist like Dr. Evans must perform this procedure in order to prevent injury. Recovery can take a few days, but bandages are not necessary.


How long does it take?

This in-office procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. The number of injections needed is adjusted on an individual basis depending upon the amount of fat you have and your personal goals. Many see results after 2-4 sessions.


How many treatment sessions will I need?

Each patient with a double chin is different. For the best results, thorough and effective treatment may require up to six visits occurring approximately six weeks apart. In general, sessions are given at least one month apart. You should not receive more than six treatments. 


What are the side effects of Kybella?
After Kybella treatment, common side effects can include pain, bruising, swelling, tenderness, numbness, and redness. If you develope nerve-related issues such as muscle weakness in your face or neck or have difficulty swallowing, please contact us immediately.

Patients from all over Fairfield County, Westchester Country, and beyond are coming to see us for expert double chin reduction with Kybella.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment in our Stamford, CT office:

CALL (203) 323-5660

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